Here Tera is singing her song "I'll praise you"
The Naylors!
Ted asked me if I could sing a few songs. I sang "Go light you world" and surprised my parents with an original song, dedicated to them called, "I prayed". It was an emotional song to perform, and I had to avoid looking at my proud bawling parents. It was so worth it though!
The Farnum family also performed! They acted out that Daniel (oldest boy) was missing, but it actually played into their second song "Son of a gun". Unaware of their act, Ted was off on the grounds searching for Daniel, looking in bathrooms and the Farnum's room. Turns out he was hiding in a closet until his turn. It was quite funny to hear about Ted's experience after. ;)
The Farnum family also performed! They acted out that Daniel (oldest boy) was missing, but it actually played into their second song "Son of a gun". Unaware of their act, Ted was off on the grounds searching for Daniel, looking in bathrooms and the Farnum's room. Turns out he was hiding in a closet until his turn. It was quite funny to hear about Ted's experience after. ;)
Maggie F. so wants to be on stage performing with the rest of her family. She is starting on the violin and when she starts lessons, she'll graduate to a microphone.
It took some convincing, but I got a picture of most of the young adults visiting after the conference.
Here Tricia, Sarah and I are 'jamming' to some hymns. We may play together a little at SFHP. Keep your fingers crossed!
Here Tricia, Sarah and I are 'jamming' to some hymns. We may play together a little at SFHP. Keep your fingers crossed!
Here are some of the little girls sitting on the floor with their excitement, on the last night during the Naylors performance.
My good friend Tricia. Some of the young adults got together and sang hymns together on the first night. This remains one of my favorite parts of these conferences.
My brother was taking a gazillion picture this night, and for some reason this is the best one. :/
Daniel and Laiel.
Sarah C. Sarah and her family used to live in MN, so we have known each other for a long time.
Sarah C. Sarah and her family used to live in MN, so we have known each other for a long time.
And my latest and most exciting news is.... Yahweh willing, sometime in the beginning of Dec., We're going to take a trip down to the Naylors to make a CD!! Tricia, Jacob and I will be going, and I'm terribly excited for it! Yah willing it will all work out. I'll try to keep you all updated on it. Yahweh bless, Molly.