
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chetek Wis. Fall 2008

Our fall bible conference in Chetek Wis. was held Oct. 31st through Nov. 2nd.

Jake, Luke and I got to the camp sight around 1:30 p.m. and were the first people there. Orion, Lauren, Brook and Nick LoGalbo got there soon after. So we set up the sound equipment, then we all chilled around, just talking, till my parents got to camp with supper. Taco salad! :P Then we had a dance!!! The 31st just happened to be my birthday, so everyone sang me happy birthday and we snacked on mini cheesecakes! Mmmmm! Then a group of us kids stayed up late, till like 2 in the morning.

Halloween night!


All my birthday candles. I blew all but one out. ;) Not even on purpose. :P

Me, late Friday night.

Saturday, 'Medal of Honor' got to play music!!! We got to introduce a bunch of new songs, which was really nice. We had a speaker, then lunch. Elonah C. played some music, then that afternoon Sarah S. and I were baptized into Christ! I'll try to get a picture in here when I find one...

Sat. afternoon, a group of us went out canoeing. To our island. :P
Here are a couple of pictures my mom took before we left.

Orion and I. ^ v

Out canoeing.

Nick, Daniel and Orion.


Nick and Daniel.


Me and Lauren.


All the canoers joined together for a redneck canoe club. :P Though I think Ivan's the only redneck there... :P

On the island, we found a random toilet? Okay then....

Group shot.

Lauren, Addie, me, and Brook.



Lauren, Addie and Bop.

Another sunset.


Canoers returning.

Me and Tricia

A beautiful shot that Tricia took and I edited.

On Sunday afternoon, some more of us went out canoeing again. Orion and I, Lauren and Zach, Jake and Brook, and Tricia Matt and Tyler. We headed in a different direction this time, and Orion and I explored a cove hidden between an island and land. A bridge was the only thing connecting the two. The water was shallow, and filled with vegitaion, and as we pulled around the island we startled a group of birds into flight. It was simply beautiful back there. We drifted through what seemed like a different world, and floated out underneath the bridge.

We stopped on an island that had a rope swing, and took turns swinging out on it.

Orion upsidown

Zach and Lauren arriving at the island.

Matt swinging.

Lauren not swinging. :P

Jake and Brook.

Matt, before he dunked Tricia in the water... ;)

Tree hugger!

Tyler went in a little too far... ;P

A cool outline of Lauren and Zach.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart... Proverbs 3:5

Lauren and I.

Me and Tricia

A group photo of all of us but Tyler, who was so nice to take the photo... :P

We were doing the eyebrows... Oh yeah!

Yeah, whatever...


It was a great weekend, and as always went by way too fast!
Yahweh bless!